Heat and lack of rain deepens in Texas

Wow, could 2022 get any tougher? With the increase in gas/diesel prices and price increase in just about anything you purchase.... and then you add the heat and lack of rain... 2022 has been tough! 

Just last week we had to cull our families herd more that normal.  Because without water or enough hay we may not be able to feed our livestock for the year.  This is extremely hard for us because we have worked hard for over eight years to build a herd with great genetics.  But we know in order to continue we have to give these cattle the best opportunity to live and grow to their potential.  

We wonder when there will be relief but until now we will continue to keep our cows and calves cool and fed as best as we can. 

So as you sit down at the dinner table with your family and friends please say a prayer for farmers and ranchers! Times are tough and we could use a prayers or two.

Love from our farm to your table,

Ashley Hardin


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